A blog for photographers looking for information, input and support in growing their creative processes.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Painted leaves
This image looked to me like a B/W or grayscale photo that had been colored. Indeed, this is exactly what the wall looked like with vermilion leaves climbing up the gray wall. The image has only been brightened a bit, no other manipulation.
I made this photo after I collected a handful of gorgeous leaves in my left hand, and shot the photo one-handed with the camera in my right hand. I like the results of the depth and shadows. I'd like to try this again, but with my new macro lens and a tripod. Marcia
this is wonderful Marcia! I love the idea the leaves leave the foto.
I haven't yet figured out how to upload 3 images and write comments under each but I see that it's possible!
Love the colors and simplicity of both images. Carolyn's right, the images fill the photos.
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