Currently, I am pondering the relationship between natural landscapes and human influenced landscapes. When photographing in a city park, like the Arboretum, it is hard to escape the influence and impact of man. Paths, benches and exotic plants are all part of the norm.

My question to you is whether or not city landscapes are stronger for their man-made elements; or, do you prefer a landscape where the concentration is on the plant and geologic elements? In these images, the presence of man and man-made gives a sense of scale that might otherwise be difficult for us to determine.
What do you think?
The small people-figures give the tall trees scale and magesty. The path leads us into the image. Nice!
I also wonder whether to include a human element where it exists. We are part of nature. I think about how the people available will affect the landscape, interact with the scene.
I think that man and manmade objects certainly can add to a landscape. I did consider doing city 'landscapes.' Didn't have time, but wanted to address the subject.
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