My dear cat Squeak died six years ago at age nine from cancer. I think that I see her sometimes around my house - just glimpses out of the corner of my eye. When we arrived in Bodie, a cat identical to Squeak (and who answered to her name) came out to greet us and gave us a tour of many of the buildings. I know now that my cat has gone onto another of her lives and is now living as a ranger's cat in Bodie California. What a life she has, more mice to hunt than she could ever wish for and lots of people to rub up against. I am so happy for her!

Driving back from Bodie to the main road is a 26 mile trek along a mostly unpaved road with no inhabitants along the way. The hills were barren except for a small meadow near the road about halfway back to the main road that was probably once a pond. In the meadow were masses or purple iris growing, and in the midst of the iris were a herd of sheep. The photo that I took was of the shepherd at the end of the day just as the sun set, walking back to his old dilapidated trailer on the hill with his five dogs. Just a few minutes earlier he had been lying on the grass near the sheep with all the dogs laying by his side. The dogs were alert the whole time, watching the sheep and occasionally moving amongst them to keep them in a group.
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