Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring means frogs... and eggs!

Pacific Chorus Frog
and Chorus Frog Egg Mass


Carolyn said...

Top pic is tops!!! Good catch with great action, color!!!

Never have seen the egg mass before, great shot!!!

Beth said...

Where do you find these things? How would a polarizing filter work here? Thanks for all of the shots of nature and its beasties.

Michele Burton said...

Both photos were taken with a polarizing filter. It helped reduce the glare quite a bit.

Both photos were taken during a survey for amphibian eggs that is part of our county's citizen science and water quality awareness program.

This pond had so many egg masses that we did not get in the pond for fear of disturbing too many of them.

CaitlinAnn said...

frogs are so cool! Awesome images!

Marilyn said...

Awesome shots of a tiny subject! We don't often get to see eggs let alone see the frogs.