Sunday, November 06, 2011


Golden-crowned Kinglet at Magnuson Park


Carolyn said...

this is wonderful! looks like a stare down! love the yellow bennie!

the faded, yet present background is grand .. getting the shot between the branches is supar!


CaitlinAnn said...

The back ground is nearly as stunning as the foreground! Amazing job! I attempted to capture some chick-a-dee's this weekend in my backyard by standing very still very near the tree and hoping soon they would get close enough to be able to focus in on them. It did not turn out well. they move so quick! (And it was cold and i was impatient...all not good contributing factors) after seeing this, though, it makes me want to go back out and try some more! the end result is spectacular and well worth the wait!

Marcia said...

Great shot! How long did you wait to get this??? Are you using a 500mm lens?