Saturday, November 26, 2011

Canada Abstract

Not quite the family trip photos my family was looking much fun though!


Marilyn said...

Wow! That's so northwest! Reminds me of many Thanksgiving car trips!

So, is this an example of abstract? It tells a bigger story by focusing on a detail.

CaitlinAnn said...

I thought it was sort of abstract. From the research i've done, the photographers seemed to have a sense of story within the abstract. much different than my original view on abstract. their story in their photo seem to evoke emotion and thought which was really this image.

plus there wasn't much to photograph during the rain soaked car trip so I have about 200 photos of raindrops on the back window of the van :)

Marilyn said...

I think you're right on. I'm also figuring out what abstract means. From The Art of B & W Photography:

"The pictures should be about meaning that has become so abstracted that through the photo you come close to the nature of the respective object. On the other hand, the abstraction may be so successful that you can see a well-known object in a new way."

Your photo with streaks of rain on the windows & blurry tree suggest movement and a car trip. Would it still be an abstract if you'd given us a bit of the car window curve?