Sunday, November 21, 2010


My pictures are "Working at the Car Wash" and "Duck Hunting" imagined. I found an awesome bird sanctuary just 3 miles from my home! I drive by the exit every day but only now discovered it! What a beautiful place. To my surprise they allow duck hunters. They were there but camera shy so I figured since Ruby is a Spaniel (Bird Dog) that we could use our imagination. We needed lots of water to clean up when we got home. I am throwing in a picture of the Swans which have returned to the corn fields just below my home. They too, are awesome!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I like the water spray on just part of a blue truck. It's mysterious: fog, road spray?? to use my imagination and think of winter road trips over the pass. Nice!

You also do something similar with Ruby's silhouette in the foreground of the lake. We wonder what she's looking at. I like your use of imagination.