Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Another perspective

After a week of rain, I visited Magnuson Park's newly installed wetlands and got some playful shots of cottonwoods in the late afternoon as the moon was rising.


Marcia said...

Marilyn... these are lovely! I'm totally into the ethereal reflections. How did you shoot the bottom photo? Am I totally seeing things or is it upside down?

Marcia said...

I can't believe I just used "totally" twice. I sound like a jr high schooler! E-gad!

Marilyn said...

Yes, I flipped them downside-up for a fresh perspective.

Don't you just, like, hate it when you publish, then edit!

Jeanne said...

Very interesting! I am impressed that Marcia caught the fact the picture was flipped. I could tell it was different but hadn't caught that.