Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Currently 8900...since October 2012

Okay, looking back, probably could have left almost all of these in original color...but I thought Black and white fit the assignment better for the images. esp giving the mood of the day and what I was thinking these fences were like...


Michele Burton said...

I like the stairs and the picketts better in BW

CaitlinAnn said...

the only one that really benefits from being in color is the lattice top fence in my opinion, but I am biased in the fact I had an idea of sorts with what mood I was looking for. I will possibly do more with the different latches on these fences and gates to work on pairings for January...more exploring the back yard!

Marilyn said...

I like the warmth of the wood but agree that the b&w stair shot has more drama.