Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lantern Festival


Marilyn said...

Very cool festival! Wish I'd been there. Why the big bird?

CaitlinAnn said...

The first photo with the lights from the tent illuminating the people is spectacular! the owl lantern is gorgeous as well. where was this festival at?

Carolyn said...

the lantern festival was in Burien. it has been going for several years. they had booths for people of all ages to make (free) lanterns with fun add on's. the owl was truly amazing, as there were 4-5 people with poles moving the owl. then at 8 the grand parade started with well over 100 people going out from the park to other places with the owl leading and others carrying their wonderful lanterns! it was great fun!
I think the owl was used as the park was the setting for start and finish.
they also had ballons floating in the trees with tiny lites looking like stars.