Thursday, June 09, 2011

breathtaking flower

This really cool Corpse flower blossomed last night.
By morning, the stench was much diminished.
The tree she's standing under is a later stage of the same species.
The tubes are monitoring the scent over time.
Check out the web site below and click on its Facebook page.


Carolyn said...

I really like the action in this foto. with all the wires, person & wait wait wait ... a ladder!!!

good foto ... great colors, very timely

were you wearing a mask ...
did it really smell?

Marilyn said...

The humidity was high, my lens fogged up when I first arrived but cleared when the camera warmed up.

The smell was musty but not disgusting. The head of the greenhouse said that one year someone vomited. It's pretty bad initially but diminishes within hours.

Yes, the ladder was cool. During the first night, 550 people stood in line to climb the ladder and peer inside the flower.