Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October Spiderweb

I took this spiderweb photo today during one of the brief sunny moments between rain clouds. I've tried photographing spiderwebs at all times of the year but it seems as if the fall webs are the only ones strong enough to hold enough dew for my macro lens to catch the water droplets. I was lucky to find one today that was settled in the salal and didn't have a spider using it, as I enhanced the dew with a few spritzes from my water bottle.

I'm pretty sure that its just the girl spiders left outside now and I go out of my way to make my garden accessible for them. I do this on one hand to give me something fascinating to photograph but equally as unity - you know, girl power!

In some shots you can see me with my camera but I tried in this photo to just capture nearbye salal leaves.


Marilyn said...

I like webs with dew. Sometimes you can recognized the whole scene in each drop. I like the angle of your drops and the muted green of the background.

Alexa Robbins said...

This reminds me of a necklace made of crystals and light.