Monday, November 30, 2009


A trip to St Helens, Oregon for Thanksgiving brought me my first Photo for the December project. As I was driving home along the Willamette River just North of Gobel, Oregon I caught a scene that captured my heart. I almost kept driving but I turned around and back tracked a few miles to find the right spot and photograph what I had seen. It just seemed like such a beautiful and peaceful room in the surrounding country side.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Circles from Beth

Getting My Ducks in A Row

Until I could find some circles. That's what I have been doing....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Circles in Nature

I selected Circles in Nature. Here are a few so far:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My circle of family

We had our family reunion this weekend with 6 aunts and uncles in their 80's and 90's from my mother's generation of 12 plus 15 cousins, their spouses and partners from my generation of 26 in our 50's to 70's. We filled 8 tables of four. We chatted, laughed and shared stories from 5 generations: our grandparents, parents, us, our children and grandchildren.

I went home with a set of letters from my grandmother to her mother-in-law written in 1905 and a promise to share photos from this reunion.


A Saturday drive within 5 miles of my new home opened the world. When a person takes time to look it's amazing what you see.
The day was semi cloudy and it opened my eyes and the eyes of the camera to a wonderful neighborhood. There are places I saw that I know I will re-visit.
Welcome to Mount Vernon, WA


A culvert in the side of a mountain on a trip over the North Cross provided my first circle.
A Camera in the ceiling of the Harbor View Hospital in Seattle Washington was an amazing find. The fixture hangs from the ceiling like a large round light fixture but when I took the picture it seemed to almost invert and capture a very large room full of images!

Monday, November 09, 2009

family circles ...

I found this an interesting and difficult topic.
then I realized family circles can be found in many places
I went to Lincoln Park
looking looking looking
for circles of all kinds
I found 2 excellent families doing different thangs together
one family was spending major energy bringing driftwood to make
an amazing driftwood fort.
they were very very happy
one family was dressed somewhat alike
having their foto taken
they were all smiles for this great moment

Friday, November 06, 2009