Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Images of Indian Summer

For me, Indian Summer always means crisp sunny days with trees ablaze!...

and preparing for Halloween... The savvy crow conjures up images of witches and broomsticks and goblins and things that go bump in the night. Growing up in Wisconsin, we often wore our Halloween costumes OVER our snowsuits! These images were made in Issaquah this week.


Autumn's Fire


Alexa Robbins said...

Gorgeous colors. I love the reflection!!!

CaitlinAnn said...

the colors in the trees are fantastic! they seem like they are just on fire.

the crow is mysterious and almost saying "why are you trespassing?"

great shots!

Marilyn said...

Wild color! I like the reflections shot with its different geometric take on fall color. Also, like the b&w crow and hot color of the last shot.