Tuesday, December 29, 2009


In the year 1999 when my Dad was quite ill, confined to a wheel chair on oxygen and 33 medications he saw this snow globe at COSTCO in Albuquerque. He insisted on buying it on his own so he held it in his lap and went through the check out. When he got home he called me and told me excitedly that he had purchased a gift (only one of two in my lifetime that he purchased on his own) and that I had to come to Albuquerque to get it. I booked a flight and spent Christmas with my Mom and Dad. Dad died the following November so this has always been a truly special gift. I placed white canvases in a cupboard and filled it with pillow batting to appear as clouds. I captured a wonderful memory thanks to photography!


Michele Burton said...

Jeanne, what a wonderful story and a beautiful job of capturing the wonder of snow and the snow globe.

Carolyn said...

thank you for sharing such a special memory!

Marcia said...

These are the gifts we treasure forever! Thank you!

Marilyn said...

What a moving story and well-crafted tableau.