When I go off trail into the woods, I find "settlements" with all the amenities.
I find them depressing yet interesting. Ichose to explore rather than avoid the detritus of the juvenile male--yes, I'm sure that's who's creating these landscrapes.
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I find this very interesting. yet, I can see it could have been created by anyone. perhaps to someone this is their home.
I doubt that this represents a homeless person: no sleeping bag, only pop and beer cans. I've seen a tent and lawn furniture in 2 other locations that could be a a "home."
When I see something like this, I always wonder why none of us saw them move the furniture into the woods. Where is this? I guess kids need a better place to hang out.
290-acre Magnuson Park is located in northeast Seattle on Lake Washington.
When the former Navy base closed, the land and buildings were deeded to the city in 1995 for a mixed-use park: 9 ballfields, boat rental & retail area, nonprofit offices, transitional housing, an off-leash dog park, and a wetland area with paths.
Promontary Pt., at the sound end of the park, is a mixed woods that won't be developed. MESA, a 3-person nonprofit, organizes volunteers here to remove invasives and plant natives. This will remain a natural area though Parks has proposed renting the SE meadow for weddings.
Since Navy left in the 1980's, Parks has done a low-level of maintenance in natural areas, primarily mowing fields to control invasives.
People walk the fields and woods and some "hang out" bringing furniture, kegs, cans and bottles. The Parks litter crew comes on Monday mornings to empty trash cans but doesn't "patrol" the natural area.
Thanks for asking. I need to put together comments to accompany photos should I do an exhibit.
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