Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rescued dog and super moon

My friend, the canine behaviorist, saved this dog who was afraid of everything, completely unhousebroken and was covered with sooooo many fleas.  Within two weeks she is a different dog and has found a great home.  YAY.  Super moon on same friends driveway.

Monday, August 11, 2014

I Found The North Star!

Our recent camping adventure, I decided to attempt star trails. Now, I do not have the patience or time to do a bunch of editing and layering and so this was much more for fun than to create amazing works of art. I set the tripod up at 11pm, and went to bed. Woke up at 1am, on my own and pulled the camera off. This was the result...I ended up pointing it right at the north star! How neat!

Side note - the highlighting of the trees is due to the Supermoon which was WAY too much light pollution for the star trail experiment. Hoping for clear weather the coming weeks to get some more attempts going.